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These 10 Facts About Your Hail Insurance Claim in CO is key to your understanding about what’s true and false and how to keep you safe with your roofing contractor and in good standing with your insurance company.

Let’s get started:

1. Filing an insurance claim when you have roof hail damage will not increase your insurance premiums. However, a hail storm in your area may raise your rates collectively. Your insurance company wants to know if you have damage so it won’t possibly cause even further exterior/ interior damage.

2. Homeowners paying only their deductible is a great deal for them on an insurance claim. If your deductible is $1,000 and a hail claim is $20,000 you only pay $1000 to get it all back to new. If you were going to “buy” something else new for your home like an AC unit or a new deck, you would pay full price of $4,000 and up, all out of pocket.

3. Colorado roofing contractors on not allowed, by law, to cover your deductible. Beware if they say they can. This puts both of you in danger. Senate Bill 38 from 2012.

4. Once you file a claim, having a reputable and trusted roofing company meet the insurance adjuster at your home is a good idea. They can assist the adjuster to find all hail damage to other areas of your property. If you’re going to have to pay a deductible, you’ll want to get all hail damage included in your claim to be fixed.

5. Getting “3 estimates” is unnecessary.  Getting “3 interviews” with trusted roofing contractors, however, is necessary. Hail insurance claims are similar to health insurance claims. You don’t get 3 estimates for a surgery. You do however, want to get a 1st, 2cd and possibly a 3rd medical opinion. Same with roofing companies. Do business with companies you know, like, and trust.

There’s more…

6. Most all roofing contractors will do the work for the insurance claim total. If you get an “estimate”  and it comes in cheaper than your claim amount, they’re either quoting you inferior products or leaving something off. Your insurance company will keep the difference if the “estimate” is lower than the claim amount. Homeowners will not get to keep the difference of money.

7. Make sure your roofing contractor is licensed, insured, and has great reviews and warranties. A quality roofing company will gladly show you proof of all of these and is an open book to any questions you might have.

8. Make sure you get everything in writing with a break down of all of the work to be done per a contract that all parties are in agreement and sign.

9. When all work has been completed, make sure you both are in agreement and sign off on every completed portion of the claim. Final payments can be collected from the insurance company and handed over to the contractor at this time.

10. Register for your manufacturers warranty on their website. This ensures that they have you in their database and will contact you if they happen to have issues with any possible defects or re-calls. Also, check with your insurance company for possible discounts on your insurance premiums. Class A fire rated and Class 4 shingles often times come with premium discounts.

Follow these 10 Facts About Your Hail Insurance Claim In CO and you’ll be in the know and all set.

Klaus Roofing Logo MainIf you are looking for a trustworthy A+ rand 5 star rated roofing company in Colorado Springs, CO that provides professional roof inspections, roof replacements, roof certifications and roof repairs, call 719-748-6364 or visit us Klaus Roofing.

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